Content Vol.14 N11, 2023


Nguemtue N.T. Ndiapa F., Nsoe M. J.J., Kofa G., Kayem J., Lartiges B., Nguetnkam J.P, Djieto L. A. E., Kamga R. (2023) Typology of limestones from Cameroon for fresh water remineralization: morphology, mineralogy and geochemistry, J. Mater. Environ. Sci., 14(11), 1323-1335  

El Asri F., Errhif A., Martin D., Tamsouri M.N., Zidane H. (2023) A contribution to the North Atlantic polychaete diversity: new records from Morocco, J. Mater. Environ. Sci., 14(11), 1336-1347

Ojegu E. O., Odia O. B., Mike O. Osiele M. O., GodfreyA. E., Ikhioya I. L. (2023) Effect of precursor temperature onelectrochemically deposited zirconium doped chromium telluride using a standardthree-electrode system, J. Mater. Environ. Sci., 14(11), 1348-1359

Pankratov E. L., (2023) On decreasing of quantity of radiation defects in working area of an integrated circuit by organization by drainage Management and Product Development, J. Mater. Environ. Sci., 14(11),1360-1378

Ousmane M. S., Sanda B. A., Mamane S. A. A., Abdou G. I., Zanguina A., Natatou I. (2023) Physicochemical and mineralogical characterization of natural phosphate from Tapoa (Niger), J. Mater. Environ. Sci., 14(11), 1379-1386

Akpaki O., Toi Bissang B., Megnassan S., Baba G. (2023) Calcium carbide treatment of faecal sludge, J. Mater. Environ. Sci., 14(11), 1387-1395

Ali M.N., Balarabe A., Tanimu F.B., Anchau H.G., Jocthan M.G., Suleiman A.N., Yelwa J.M. (2023) Phytochemicals, Chemical Composition and Antioxidants profile of the crude extracts and essential oil of Leucas Martinicensis, J. Mater. Environ. Sci., 14(11),1196-1203

Meiliyadi L. A. D., Wahyudi M., Arizona K., Zain Z. A. (2023) Synthesis of Nanosilica Gel Based on River Sand and Its Use as Water Treatment, J. Mater. Environ. Sci., 14(11), 1404-1413

Diedhiou S., Diatta Y., Diedhiou L., Faye F., Goudiaby A., Ndoye I., Fall S. (2023) Effects of mycorrhization and organic amendments on sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) growth in a saline environment, J. Mater. Environ. Sci., 14(11), 1414-1429

Akpu N.I., Sylvanus C.A., Nwaokorongwu E.C., Ikhioya I.L., Okechukwu E.O., Ugwu L.U., Ekpunobi A.J. (2023) Modulation of the physical properties of spray-deposited cobalt selenide nanofilm via yttrium doping for photovoltaic purposes, J. Mater. Environ. Sci., 14(11), 1430-1444

Ojo, O., Maitera O.N., Andrew F. P., Yelwa J.M. (2023) Synthesis And Characterization of Chitosan/Cellulose Nanofibrils/Aspirin Composite Films, J. Mater. Environ. Sci., 14(11), 1445-1455

Bharat Gowda and Lingaraju H. G. (2023) In situ Phytoremediation of azo dyes (methylene blue) by the plant Azolla Pinnata, J. Mater. Environ. Sci., 14(11), 1456-1467

Salim A., Tahiri M., El Bouari A., Tanane O. (2023) toward the discovery of an effective method for treating industrial effluents: Application of adsorption on activated carbon based on argan kernels, J. Mater. Environ. Sci., 14(11), 1468-1481
