Prof. Belkheir HAMMOUTI, the Editor of JMES was invited to attend Kuwait Chemistry Conference KCC'2010, March 6-9, 2010 in Kuwait City, http://kcc-kcs-kw.com/home.php.
Prof. Hammouti would like to transfer his deep thank to Prof. Nouria A. Al-Awadi, the President of the KCC'2010 and Prof. A. Al-Najjar for their kind invitation to attend the conference.
Prof. Hammouti highly appreciates the warm welcome and gracious Arabic hospitality. It was a nice event to meet Dr. N. Jackson, the President Elect of American Chemical society (ACS), and Dr. N.J. Morreau, the President of International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), and other eminent researchers of the world.